
SEASON 2024-24

Dance performance « From the Human Comedy to the Urban Comedy”
at Maison de Balzac – Paris 16
Sunday, February 4 at 3pm, 4pm and 5pm
Theme: Bazac, Daumier and the Parisians

At the School of Heritage and Creation
With 2 elementary classes from Carnot school in Versailles Partnership with the Château de Versailles and the French Ministry of Education.
“From gesture to emotion: when the body, both physical and sensitive, commits itself to the values of Olympism, supported by a place steeped in history.”
School dance project 
With 4 elementary classes from Versailles
Restitution on Tuesday June 11, 2024 at Théâtre Montansier – Versailles
Project supported by the Education Department, the Versailles Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the Théâtre Montansier.
Adult Workshops Nos Petits Evènements
– Monthly themed workshops combining creativity, neuroscience & well-being 
– Adult courses Stress management 
Creative dance for children aged 8 to 12 in the form of workshops – Location Maison Amara – Versailles 
Creativity workshops as part of the Avec Elles program – a Grand Paris Sud program designed to support female heads of single-parent families who are far from employment, at the invitation of La Constellation Cie.
Adult training & coaching in brain-body coherence with Bio-feedback
 A La Verticale de Soi,  show linking robotics to innovation in new Mobilities & dance with mediation actions in 2024  – Year of Olympism.
Performance with Bord de plateau on Friday April 26 at 8pm – Espace Julien Green – Andrésy (78) 
Kodama interactive installation – Nuit Numérique à Reims – St Ex – Theme : Dreams and Enchantments, Saturday April 20, 4pm to 1am.

Social body interactive installation as part of the Stereolux- Scopitone festival in Nantes – les Nefs, Friday September 20 and Saturday September 21 from 10pm to 5am.

Cantabile interactive installation – “Allegories of Metamorphosis” exhibition in Tremblay-en-France – Photophore week from October 12 to 19 – Espace Jean-Roger Caussimon
Poetry Journey -Intimate Mythologies in Encounter with Jean Cocteau project, in partnership with La Lisière, in close collaboration with AAPISE.
With the participation of La Passerelle, IME La Feuilleraie, foyer du Pont de Pierre, SHAVS Point-Virgule and Centre de Répit.
Produced in partnership with the Maison Jean Cocteau in Milly-la-Forêt, supported by ARS, Culture & Santé, Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’IDF